SAT # 394700000000

Category: Block 78

Sub Category: Alpha, Vintage

Current Supply (Sequestered): 14* as of this certification date

The Notable Story and History of Block 78 – Hal Finney’s Rare Sats

Hal Finney, the “Second Miner” and first transaction recipient, played a crucial role in Bitcoin’s inception. He received the first transaction from Satoshi’s Block 9 Sats, and sent the first tweet mentioning Bitcoin: “Running Bitcoin.” Hal Finney developed Proof of Work, the original Bitcoin wallet, public and private keys, and contributed significantly to the cryptocurrency’s early growth. Hal Finney was laid to rest in an Alcor Chamber on Aug 28, 2014. His legacy continues to thrive and live forever with Bitcoin and Crypto’s growth.

b78 sat
alpha sat
vintage sat

This data and transaction history is based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), as of Nov 2, 2024 2:30 AM UTC+0. Certificate ID 5

If you‘re the current owner of this sat, and want it updated with your own certificate: request your sat certificate on this page.

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